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In liability training, our tutors address a variety of different liabilities. What liability risks do you run yourself or what may you discuss with your business relation. The content is made very concrete with a number of vivid examples. The liability training is unique in its kind and there are various training options.

During the training, the topics of large business risks, nationally oriented SME risks and the risks for the advisor are covered. It concerns nationally oriented companies to which Dutch law applies. During one half-day session, all risks in relation to employer, professional and product liability are discussed. The professional liability of the intermediary is also covered.

With the liability training Troostwijk Academy helps intermediaries to better perform their function and meet their duty of care.


  • Duty of Care
  • Professional and directors’ liability
  • Product Liability
  • Employer’s liability
  • General liability (contractual and non-contractual)

Training options


  • Duration one half day
  • Number of participants maximum twenty
  • At a central location in the Netherlands
  • The training is held several times a year
  • Investment is € 495, – excluding VAT
  • After attending the training you will receive a certificate of participation


  • Customized Training
  • Training will be tailored to your specific needs
  • Target group: underwriters, intermediaries, risk experts
  • Request a customized quote without obligation
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